Who Rescued Who?

by Barbara
(New Symrna Beach, FL )

I certainly wasn't looking for Nikki, but one day she just appeared.

Nikki was this little 5 lb, Chihuahua whose tongue was hanging out due to lack of teeth, and she had a Rottweiler attitude. She had recently been orphaned and was homeless.

I had just lost my sister and I was emotionally "homeless." We were just meant to be. I think we both felt a bit more complete.

This morning I awoke and my dear, little Nikki went to the Rainbow Bridge during the night. Oh, how my heart hurts.

I hope she knows what an honor it was to be her person.

Take good care of her, God. She sure took good care of me.

See you at the Bridge, my cherished little friend.

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Jun 11, 2024
Nikki The Chihuahua
by: Sandra

Who Rescued Who?

This is the perfect title for a love that was meant to be.

So often this is the way it is. A person ' rescues ' a pet, and winds up being the one rescued. A mutual relationship of love and healing for both has come into existence.

Thank you Barbara, for your tribute to Nikki, the funny little chihuahua who helped to heal you from your emotional homelessness, while you in turn gave her a home in your heart.

Bless you both,

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