No more corn chip smell

by Tiffany
(Garner NC)

Our dogs were smelling like corn chips and their nails were dark we started with baking soda and green tea to help clean them up and it's better but they are still scratching immensely.

Does this sound like a yeast infection?

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Sep 16, 2024
Corn Chip Smell Question
by: Sandra

Hi Tiffany,

Thanks for your question.

Without knowing anything at all about your dogs, I would say that the corn chip smell is usually a good indication that dogs are yeasty.

Great that their nails are looking better, but be aware that a yeast condition starts and originates from an internal condition of imbalance in the gut environment.

You might want to reconsider what you're feeding your dogs and make some changes that could help to correct the problem from the inside out.


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