Kallie the Cat That Stole My Heart.

by Michael

I never was a cat person, I don't know why?

One day my wife noticed a female cat hanging around the house. She said... " that cat looks really hungry."

I told her, if you start feeding it, that cat won't leave. Well she fed that cat, and it stayed around the house.

She called the cat "Mama Mama".

One day, this cat had 3 kittens, one was female. She named it Fluffy. The 2nd cat was a male named Baby Boy and the 3rd was a female cat named Diva. She just thought that she was a diva!

Now later, we gave Fluffy to my niece. Baby Boy just hung around outside of the house. He came in every once in a while. That cat hated me! Only my wife could touch that cat.

Diva stayed in the house.

The momma cat to the 3 kittens just disappeared.

One day the wife let Diva go outside for half of the day. Fast forward 9 months or less, I told my wife she's got to lay off the food for Diva. She's getting fat.

Late one February morning, my wife let Diva outside a few hours. Later she let her back in, and Diva was carrying something in her mouth. My wife thought it a mouse! She screamed at me to get it out.

So I investigated and to my surprise it was a premature kitten, frozen from the winter cold.
I truly tried to save it. I couldn't.

Diva went back outside and brought in two more kittens. Both were frozen. I tried to revive them, but I couldn't.

The last kitten was a calico kitten. I rubbed it's little chest gently, and kept gently blowing in it's nose. Finally, she started to move. We wrapped her up in a green rag that was soft, and used a hairdryer to warm her up.

After that long day I had to bury the 2 kittens that didn't make it.

A few weeks went by and I named the female calico kitten that lived, Kallie. Once Kallie was weaned and able to climb, if she heard my voice, she would instantly spider kitten crawl up the couch with the green rag hanging from her mouth, so I could wrap her up in it and rock her to sleep.

As time went by, my heart started to change. Kallie followed me everywhere. She had to be beside me all the time. She would sleep above my head. If I coughed or sneezed, she would come flying to where I was. If I left the house to work, my wife said she would never stop watching out the window. When I got home from work, she'd be standing up in the window with her little paws showing her toe beans.

Kallie stole my heart. I lost my heart 2 weeks ago. Kallie became ill. I had to make a decision to have her put down. Something happened and even the vet was confused but she wasn't breathing very well and was so weak they couldn't get a IV in her .
It's not fair. In 2018 Kallie caused my heart to change. I loved her so much. In June 2024, part of my heart was crushed.

I lost my Kallie.

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Nov 28, 2024
Kallie the Calico Cat That Changed a Man's Heart
by: Sandra

Dear Michael,

Thank you for your precious story about Kallie. It is so true that the love of an animal can change your heart for good and make you a better person.

I have experienced this love too, and am so grateful for it.

The cost of loving, is the price of pain. It's not fair, but it's worth the pain to experience the love.

You are a changed man for good, because you allowed this little cat to love you, and you loved her in return.

That is the most wonderful thing you could ever ask for. The love, the heartbreak, makes you a stronger, kinder, more loving human.

The world needs all the love it can get, Michael.

Bless your heart,

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