My Dog is Losing Weight On a Yeast Free Diet.

by Barbra Meyers
(New Jersey)

My dog is three years old and has had several yeasty ear infections. I’m trying to treat them holistically, but she also has food allergies and cannot tolerate beef, chicken or turkey. She can only eat fish.

Currently, I feed her salmon or cod with low glycemic fruits and wet vegetables, but it appears she is losing weight.

Is there another meat I can give her? What should I do?

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Sep 22, 2024
Dog Is Losing Weight On a Yeast Free Diet
by: Sandra

Hello Barbara,

Sorry to hear about the problems you're having feeding your dog. I know you're looking for advice on what to feed your dog, but I'm compelled to ask...

Why are there so many dogs with this same similar problem?

It seems amazing to me that dogs cannot eat common foods without having sensitivity or allergic reactions to these common proteins. Gosh! What has happened to our dogs?

Well, you could always try looking for a more novel protein source.

Also, I'm not sure what you mean by a ' yeast free ' diet?

I would say that all fruits contain natural sugars, some more than others, so if your dog were my dog, I'd eliminate fruits from her diet completely. There is nothing exceptionally nutritious about fruits that cannot be gotten from vegetables, but I would feed vegetables in moderation also, since dogs as carnivores, don't utilize plant foods efficiently at all. So what's the point in feeding them?

So, you could try feeding your dog more novel proteins, and eliminate or lower the amount of carbohydrates in your dog's diet.

I would suspect your dog is losing weight because she is not absorbing nutrients, and the carbohydrate component is too high, while the protein and fat component of her diet is too low.

So I would suggest lowering carbs and increasing fat and protein with some novel foods, such as venison, rabbit, lamb or pork to name a few. You should be able to find something new for her to eat, besides fish.

Just a further comment on my original question, about why so many dogs have this common problem. Why are their immune systems so compromised that they cannot tolerate common foods? I suspect over vaccination, chemical pest solutions and way too much pharmaceutical drugs and antibiotics are also a contributing factor to the problem of over sensitivity. All of these things affect gut and immune system function.

So, I'll leave you to think about that statement!

What has occurred in your dog's health history that may also be contributing to her current problem of intolerance to food proteins. If you think any of the above mentioned things might also be contributing to her sensitivity... just don't do them anymore!

I wish you luck on your journey to figuring this problem out, Barbara.

As always, I wish good health for all dogs.


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