Types of Dog Allergies

The types of dog allergies can be confusing to understand. People think their dog has allergies. They'll say...my dog has ' food allergies ' or ' environmental allergies ' or ' seasonal allergies '. Oh yah? How do you know that?

types of dog allergiesThis is Pager. He was 16 when he left me in 2016 to take the trip across the Rainbow Bridge. Pager had the dog allergy story from hell!

Then I'll hear the story about how the dog is itching and scratching, gets hot spots, has diarrhea or ear infections, or something!!! Well, it's all true. They're not imagining it, and the vet has probably said...he's has allergies. Fair enough, but there's more to the story.

So as a place to start, let's investigate the most common dog allergy causes.

Three Types of Dog Allergies

  1. food allergies
  2. environmental allergies
  3. seasonal allergies

Lets' take a closer look at each one.

1 - Food Allergies in Dogs

Food allergies commonly occur in dogs that are fed the same food for a long time. Your dog's immune system is having to cope with the same allergens ( proteins ) for so long, that finally it just gives up and starts to have a bad reaction to the protein source.

For example, dogs become allergic to chicken because they have been fed chicken dog food every day of their lives, for years.

However, it could be any other ingredient that's commonly found in dog food too. Guess what? The foods that most commonly cause allergies in people, cause the same reactions in dogs.

Here's a list of some common foods that contribute to dog allergies.

  •  Meat ( beef, chicken) or meat by-products
  • Dairy products
  • Wheat ( commonly found in pet food )
  • Corn ( commonly found in pet food )
  • Soy ( commonly found in pet food )
  • Gluten ( the protein in grains commonly found in pet food )
  • Yeast (brewer's yeast)

Check your bag of dog food for these commonly found ingredients. Think about what you can do to reduce your dog's exposure to these common allergens in dog food. If you switch to another brand of dog food that contains the same ingredients, you won't fix this type of dog allergy. Read more about how to improve what you're feeding your dog.

2 - Environmental Allergies in Dogs

Dogs like people, can react to anything in their environment. Here's a short list of some common environmental allergens. These things create a huge toxic load.

What can you do to reduce your dog's exposure?

  • Tap water
  • Dog beds ( flame retardent chemicals )
  • Carpeting ( toxic Volatile Organic Compounds, VOC's )
  • Dust mites
  • Fleas
  • Pharmaceutical drugs, steroids, Nsaids, antibiotics
  • dog vaccinations
  • Chemicals in dog food ( colors, dyes, preservatives )
  • Chemicals in household cleaning products
  • Household chemical products ( paint )
  • Grooming products ( chemical shampoo for fleas, odor control)
  • Pesticide chemicals ( flea/tick/heartworm control )
  • Second hand smoke
  • Car exhaust fumes
  • Chemical lawn and garden sprays for weed control

3 - Seasonal Allergies in Dogs

If your dog is scratching in the spring, summer and fall, but less or not at all in the colder winter months, it's likely a reaction to something in the outdoor environment when the weather is warmer, such as flowering trees, plants or grasses or maybe even fleas.

If your dog continues to have allergy reactions during the cold winter months, that would indicate a non-seasonal or year-round allergy, such as a food allergen source or household environment allergen source.

What Leads Up to These
Types of Dog Allergies?

So, to recap, some dogs have all three types of dog allergies.

This abnormal immune response we've been talking about creates inflammation which leads to a trip to the vet, which leads to drugs to treat the allergy inflammation symptoms, which often leads to a candida/yeast overgrowth which leads to more damaging inflammation in the gut, which leads to bowel irritation causing Leaky Gut Syndrome, which leads to a trip to another trip to the vet, which leads to more drugs ( steroid, antibiotics ) to treat inflammation for scratching, itching, hot spots and diarrhea, ear infections and anal gland problems, which leads to more candida yeast overgrowth which leads to more of the same, over and over again.

Does this sound like you and your dog?

Well, I hope you can see the big picture when it comes to types of dog allergies and the hamster wheel of treating only the symptoms you can see, without reducing exposure to all of the possible reasons why your dog's gut microbiome may be well and truly, out of whack!

Here's a Recap of the Dog Allergies
Recurring Hamster Wheel Nightmare!

  1. toxic influences create an imbalance in the gut microbiome
  2. inflammation in the gut leads to reduced immune response and Leaky Gut Syndrome
  3. damaged intestinal lining becomes permeable ( leaky ), allowing pathogens and allergens to enter the blood stream
  4. treatment with drugs to ease allergy symptoms makes the problem worse by introducing more toxins
  5. rinse and repeat, again and again!

These types of dog allergies don't have to happen. Isn't it time to get back to more ' normal circumstances '?

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