My Sweet Boy Smokey

by Susan Williams

We found you beside the road, your paws burned from walking on the asphalt, cuts on your sweet face.

Without hesitation you jumped in our truck.
We tried to find your owner, but they did not want you.

You ran with ' daddy ' when he cranked up the tractor to plow.
You followed me everywhere.

Your loyalty was boundless, your love unconditional
You traveled with us in our camper.

When we got your ' brother ' Bully , you were a little jealous, but you came to love him so much.
You loved to chase squirrels who always were too fast.

You always minded us. You always seemed insecure and afraid you would be left alone again. You were with us 7 short years, until that awful devil cancer took you.

I still see you run in the yard
I still feel you beside me
I pray one day to be with you again and hold you in my arms.


Thank you Susan, for this wonderful tribute to Smokey.

It is not hard to tell how much you loved him. God blessed you with this wonderful dog, and you had seven years to enjoy his company.

It is never enough time though, is it?

Look forward to the day when you will see him again. You will meet together over the Rainbow Bridge and you will be able to hold him in your arms once again, and stroke his beautiful head.

Bless you Susan for loving this found dog so much, and providing a good loving home environment for him to heal his hurting heart and body.

His spirit presence is still with you. You can be with him in your timeless memories.


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