I have a 7-year-old Lab named Lulu, who started about a year and a half ago with some itching. I was not sure where it was coming from since I feed her a decent kibble I figure I would change the protein. It did not seem to do much
My other Lab is 6. She started with an ear issue about 3 months later. I am pretty sure it is the fact that they eat a kibble, but I can't afford raw even though I would like to feed it to them.
I use Dinovite with their food and it has eliminated the ear issue. However Lulu still is dealing with the skin issues. I also give her oregano pills and Pau Darco and fresh garlic and enzymes. I spray her with apple cider vinegar and tea tree and green tea.
I am so glad you talk about how long it takes and having patience, but it seems like it is also getting harder as it gets hotter out. Any thoughts?
I tried raw chicken for a while but maybe it was not long enough not sure. I also make broth for them once a week.
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