Josephine Anne

I adopted Josephine (Josie) in 1998 when she was 8 weeks old. She reached thru the cage she was in with her Mom & 2 siblings.

She loved to play with milk rings, chase us up the stairs & boss us around. When she got a bit older, she took to getting our attention & let us know she needed a drink of water.

Never a lap cat, she loved us when she was in the mood to, and that was fine for us. I hope she knows how much we loved her? My life will never be the same without her.

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Sep 09, 2018
Josie ~ 1998 - 2018
by: Sandra

Thank you for sharing your love of Josie, with us.

Sounds Like Josie had a long and wonderful life with your family. Twenty years is a long time but also time that goes very quickly. Where did all that time with Josie go?

Your loving memories of her will stay with you forever now. You are very blessed!


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