Elderly dog needs yeast + kidney/liver diet

Best diet for elderly dog with yeast, beginning kidney disease & some high liver numbers. No Cushing's.

I cook her food.

She has pretty good teeth, but not perfect.

Thank you.

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Feb 01, 2019
Cooking for old dog with yeast infection and high kidney/liver values.
by: Sandra


Thanks for your excellent question.

Without having a complete health history for your elderly dog, let's try to separate the two issues ...yeast infection AND the start of kidney/liver problems.

Since you cook for your dog you can easily control ingredients.

A diet for elimination of yeast, requires that you eliminate the carbohydrate foods that are metabolized as glucose and therefore feeding the yeast.

Since your elderly dog is now showing signs of kidney and liver problems, this tells me that she has been sustaining a high toxic load over the course of her lifetime. The kidneys and liver are the body's main organs of detoxification.

The main sources of toxins would be vaccinations, drugs, pesticides for flea/tick/heartworm control and also the toxic waste from the yeast infection.

So it would be wise on your part to look at how you can reduce your dog's toxic load, in order to improve kidney/liver blood values.

If you are interested in having some recipes to help with these two dog health issues and address the yeast problem specifically, please use the contact me form to speak to me directly.


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