Candida Albicans

by Tara

Thank you for providing this information to those of us who are distressed about the health of our dogs.

Our son has a 3 year old blue nose pit bull. Her name is Fetty. Sadly, she has had 2 TPLO surgeries in the last 8 months... November 2018 and April 2019.

Over the past several months she has come down with symptoms that I suspect are the result of candida albicans. All 4 paws are a rusty red color and she licks at them a lot. She has a red rash on her under belly and some itchy sores under the pits of her front legs.

Fetty is our 22 year old son's dog. We get to care for her occasionally, when he is out of town.

I have not wanted to take her to the vet for this problem because I didn't want to put her on more meds. It makes sense to me that we can treat her situation with healthy food and supplements to rid her system of the yeast overgrowth. But how....?

Thank you, again, for sharing your wisdom. I look forward to hearing from you.

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Aug 03, 2019
Solving Your Dog's Post Surgery Yeast Problem
by: Sandra

Hello Tara,

You would be correct. Candida commonly gets started after drugs ( especially antibiotics ) have been used.

In Fetty's case, the surgery was necessary to repair and stabilize her ruptured joint, but the drugs have now left her with a compromised gut microbiome which allows the Candida Albicans yeast microorganism to thrive in her gut environment and then spread systemically throughout her body.

You can help Fetty get over this problem. It will take time and effort on your part and will include:

1 - feeding a species appropriate diet without carbohydrates.

2 - stopping the use of all drugs

3 - using supplements ( instead of drugs ) to kill off excess yeast microorganisms, boosting immune function by restoring gut microflora balance, helping the liver to detox waste from metabolism, drugs and yeast cell die off.

This is not as hard as it sounds but will take time and commitment on your part to help the dog.

Contact me if you would like help with this.


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