by Doreen Iverson
How Can I help my 15yr old dog with really BAD die-off from yeast? She has been treated by vets, skin specialists, family vet. Blood tests have been done and she's had many antibiotics.
She has been taking Apoquel as the last resort.
Started taking ADORED BEAST GUT SMOOTH 6 weeks ago. Weaning her off Apoquel the past month to half tablet each day, to none the last week, before starting Parasitic Herb's from Dr Morse, FAB 4 & Parasitic M, Plus Liver tonic. Spraying Adored Beast Owies &Oopsies on her Paws, and anus.
The die off is so bad. It is hard to see her suffer. PLEASE HELP?
Vet is only good for Antibiotics & Apoquel and a big BILL.
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